Baseball superfan Dale Silver hits a homerun as new president of Rosie Reds

Baseball has played a key role in Dale Silver’s life. In the last 20 years she’s missed only one Cincinnati Reds opening day, and she attends about 25 home games a year. She’s traveled to 25 of the 30 ballparks around the country (so far).

This year, Silver, a lifelong baseball fan — and athlete in her own right — will serve as the president of Rosie Reds, a philanthropic social organization focused on supporting the Cincinnati Reds.

Rosie Reds (Rooters Organized to Stimulate Interest and Enthusiasm in the Cincinnati Reds) was formed in 1964, when there was a risk that Cincinnati would lose a National League Baseball franchise. Rumor had it that Reds owner Bill Dewitt was considering moving the franchise to another city due to dwindling attendance and little community interest in the sport.

In addition to her role with the Rosie Reds, Silver is client services manager with C-Forward Information Technologies in Covington. She’s also active in the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, where she is an executive board member on the chamber’s board of directors and is vice chair.

Read the full Northern Kentucky Tribune story here.
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